Strategy and purpose

REN Strategy

Active participation in the energy transition path

Climate change is now a certainty that must be taken into account in energy planning. Its urgency has changed consumption patterns, with a decrease in demand for fossil fuel generation, an increase in renewable generation, and a growing demand for new energy generation solutions, such as Hydrogen. 

REN has actively participated in this energy transition effort, contributing in the areas of planning and management of the Portuguese National Energy System, and collaborating actively with all the public and private entities in this complex system. 

The networks managed by REN are prepared to continue to evolve. Projects are being carried out within demanding but feasible timetables. The increase in renewable energy generation will require significant investment for which REN is well prepared from an operational and financial point of view. In April 2021, REN carried out its first “green” bond issue, taking an important step in aligning business, sustainability, and financing strategies. 

Innovation is a key part of REN’s approach, and it could not be otherwise given the demanding challenges of the transformations in the energy sector. REN has invested heavily in Research and Development and in the technological performance and reliability of the grid.  

Renewable Gases

Aligned with European Union policies, the decarbonisation of gas infrastructures is one of the strategic objectives of the Portuguese energy policy, along with the promotion of types of energy from renewable origin.  

Energy transition

REN defined as a goal in its 2021–2024 Strategic Plan the reduction of carbon emissions by 50% by 2030 (compared to 2019), and carbon neutrality in 2040 (scope 1 and 2), ten years earlier than defined by the European Union. 


We believe that excellence in quality and continuity of service results from a technological, innovative and sustainable vision that challenges and values our teams.

Sustainability Strategy
For REN, sustainability means guiding business action while respecting the company's founding values

REN Mission

A commitment that goes beyond the mission

REN acts in accordance with the energy goals of the European Union, helping the planet combat climate change, without forgetting the security and quality of energy supply, which is increasingly generated from renewable sources.  

This commitment means that all REN activities take into account sustainability principles and comply with strict and verifiable criteria. There is a permanent demand on the quality and safety of the service, and also on the positive impact that REN wants to have on the communities and ecosystems where it works.  

REN wants to remain at the forefront of energy transmission efficiency, while helping a sustainable development for all stakeholders – shareholders, employees, customers, local communities, partners, and suppliers. This goal will be achieved by keeping the focus on Portugal, while never losing sight of opportunities abroad. 


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