Vegetable or animal organic matter that can be used as a source of energy
Facilities for underground storage of natural gas
Apparatus that allows measuring the quality of the gas transported in the network
Distribution Network Operator
Pipeline system for natural gas transmission
Gas Reduction and Measurement Stations are infrastructures belonging to the National Natural Gas Transmission Network (RNTGN) that ensure the physical interconnection between it and the distribution networks or final clients connected directly to the High Pressure Network
High Voltage (between 45 kV and 110 kV)
Ratio between the inflows to hydroelectric dams in a given period and the historical average inflows in the same period
Transmission Network Element which crosses a border between neighbouring states to interconnect their respective networks
Difference between Imports and Exports, positive when importer and negative when exporter
Entry of natural gas into the underground storage
Liquefied Natural Gas – natural gas kept at a sufficiently low temperature to be liquid
A stable mixture of gases (hydrocarbons and inert gases) of fossil origin, of which methane is the main constituent (83% to 99%)
Maximum power observed in a given period
Hydroelectric dam with storage capacity
Generation from natural resources (water, wind, sun, waves, biomass, urban waste)
National Gas Distribution Network
National Transmission Network
National Gas Transmission Network
National LNG Transmission, Storage Infrastructure and Terminals Network
National Natural Gas System
Generation of electricity from the Sun
Ratio between solar energy generation in a given period and the average historical generation in the same period
Transmission System Operator
A set of caves that enable storing natural gas in gaseous form
Electricity produced from wind
Ratio between wind energy generation in a given period and the average historical generation in the same period