CelZa and the National Hydrogen Transport Hub

CelZa and the National Hydrogen Transport Hub

This project is part of the 100% hydrogen green corridor project between Portugal and Germany. The establishment of a hydrogen transport interconnection between Portugal and Spain and the creation of an internal infrastructure for hydrogen in Portugal are included in the first list approved by the Union European Union of Projects of Common Interest and Projects of Mutual Interest.
EU Delegated Regulation No. 2024/1041, of April 8, includes a wide range of projects that are necessary to achieve the priority corridors of European energy infrastructures. H2Med project includes the aforementioned projects of the ‘Hydrogen Interconnection between Portugal and Spain’ − PCI 9.1.2 − and the ‘Internal Infrastructure for Hydrogen in Portugal’ – PCI 9.1.1.

Information on PCI 9.1.1 National Hydrogen Transport Hub and PCI 9.1.2 Celorico da Beira – Zamora Interconnection (or CelZa) is also available on the H2med website, a green hydrogen corridor that includes the submarine interconnection between Barcelona (Spain) and Marseille (France).

Project Goals

These two projects, presented in the Portuguese National Development Plan of RNTIAT (National Gas Transport Network, Underground Storage Infrastructures and Liquefied Natural Gas Terminals) for the period 2024-2033, contribute to the creation of an independent European energy market and a competitive route to hydrogen, incorporating a relevant new energy vector for decarbonization and energy transition.


The interconnection between Celorico da Beira, in Portugal, and Zamora, in Spain, also referred as “CelZa”, is a project that aims to build a linear hydrogen transport infrastructure with ca. 248 km, acting as a bridge between the main hydrogen infrastructures to be developed in both countries. Each of the two TSOs involved, REN and Enagás, will be responsible for developing the interconnection section in their respective country up to the border, comprising ca. 162 km in Portugal and ca. 86 km in Spain.

CelZa, with a capacity of up to 750 kton/year for hydrogen transport, is an infrastructure project designed for volumes of 100% hydrogen, acting as the main way for hydrogen transport between Portugal and the rest of Europe, namely for the export of hydrogen produced in Portugal from renewable energy sources.

National Hydrogen Backbone

The H2 National Backbone consists of an infrastructure to be developed entirely within the Portuguese territory for hydrogen transport. This axis, to be established through the repurposing for the transport of 100% hydrogen of the existing natural gas pipeline axis 'Cantanhede – Celorico da Beira – Monforte' and the creation of a new linear infrastructure, also designed for the transport of 100% hydrogen, between the Figueira da Foz area, with the possibility of connection to Carriço Underground Storage, and Cantanhede will allow the connection of hydrogen producers and consumers across a vast area of mainland Portugal.

Thus, the Backbone Transport Axis is structurally and functionally associated with CelZa and corresponds to the first phase of the development of a broader National Hydrogen Backbone Network, to be developed according with the evolution of the country's energy needs and respective objectives of energy policy.


The green 100% hydrogen corridor project between Portugal and Germany correspond to a transnational initiative to interconnect the hydrogen networks of the Iberian Peninsula with central-northern Europe, allowing to supply Europe with green hydrogen at more competitive prices. This initiative was launched and announced by the Governments of Portugal and Spain, and the Presidency of France, with strong support from the European Commission and Germany, and is being developed in a coordinated way by gas transmission network operators from Portugal (REN), Spain (Enagás), France (GRTgaz and Teréga) and Germany (OGE).

Pipeline Extension

CelZa: 248 km (162 km in Portugal and 86 km in Spain of new pipelines for 100% H2)

National Backbone: 341 Km of repurposed and new 50 km of pipelines for 100% H2
