Ribeira de Pena – Vieira do Minho Double Line at 400 kV
A 400 kV power transmission line that will allow the flow of photovoltaic energy from the south and interior region to the north of the country.
The power line seeks to integrate the Portuguese National Transmission Network (RNT) in the sub-regions Alto Trás-os-Montes and Ave, in the North region of Portugal, having the following as its main goals:
Study Area
Final layout
Union of the Parishes of Ribeira de Pena and Santo Aleixo do Além
Parish of Santa Marinha
Parish of Salto
Union of the Parishes of Gondiães and Vilar de Cunhas
Union of the Parishes of Ruivães and Campos
Voltage level: 400 kV
Line extension: 26.8 kilometres
No. of poles: 62
Pole heights: between 64 and 75 metres