The AGIR Award is a recognition of the commitment of REN – Redes Energéticas Nacionais – as regards Corporate Social Responsibility. The purpose of the award is to encourage and support initiatives that provide a response to social problems.
In 2014, the first edition of this initiative had job creation as its thematic. In the following nine editions, the AGIR Award was dedicated, respectively, to active aging, fighting poverty and social exclusion, labour inclusion of people with disabilities, natural heritage preservation, combating early school leaving and promotion of school success, promotion of employment for vulnerable people, Social Innovation in response to COVID, Promotion of the environment, biodiversity and combating climate change, and promotion of sustainable development.
In its 11th edition, the AGIR Award will be dedicated to the “Support and inclusion of people experiencing homelessness”, a topic that reflects our commitment to the 2030 Agenda, based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty and hunger, and ensure dignity and equality for all. Therefore, we will reward three projects that offer sustainable solutions to support people experiencing homelessness, whether in the psychosocial, professional, or direct support aspects, by providing shelter, promoting specialised services, and combating social discrimination.
The AGIR Award is open to associations, companies, and non-profit organisations. The project winning the first prize receives a monetary sum of thirty thousand euros, the second fifteen thousand euros, and the third five thousand euros.
The selection is the responsibility of REN, in partnership with Stone Soup Consulting, which will track and monitor the use of the funds donated to each supported project, and will also assess the actual social impact of REN’s assistance to each project.
From March 1st until April 30th, 2024
Project: "Leaders Gang"
Entity: Mentes Empreendedoras
Impact area: National
Project: "Academia de Líderes Rurais"
Entity: Rural Move - Associação para a Promoção do Investimento em Territórios de Baixa Densidade
Impact area: Miranda do Douro
Projeto: "Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Montado - capitalização dos SIGM (Sistema Integrado de Gestão do Montado)"
Entity: Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola
Impact area: Alentejo
Project: "SPEAK"
Entity: Share Your World
Impact area: Portugal
Project: Apps for Good
Entity: CDI
Impact area: Portugal
Project: Escola de Superpoderes
Entity: Associação Juvenil Transformers
Impact area: Porto
Project: Pescadores de Sonhos
Entity: Associação APEXA
Impact area: Albufeira
Project: Gado Sapador
Entity: Agência de Desenvolvimento Gardunha 21
Impact area: Fundão
Project: A Encosta do Sol
Entity: Bonus Itineris
Impact area: Braga
Project: Guardiãs do Mar
Entity: Ocean Alive
Impact area: Estuário do Sado / Troia / Setúbal
Project: EU - Consigo!
Entity: Associação Salvador
Impact area: Porto
Project: Duoday
Entity: Associação de Desenvolvimento Local
Impact area: Alentejo
Project: ASUL
Entity: Associação de Famílias Solidárias com a Deficiência
Impact area: Coimbra
Project: Localizar-TE
Entity: OIKOS - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento
Impact area: Braga
Project: TLT - Talentos em livre Trânsito
Entity: Sampana
Impact area: Guimarães e Évora
Project: Super Babysitters
Entity: F2 - Associação de apoio Família - a -Família
Impact area: Lisboa, Setúbal e Porto
Project: Trupe Senior
Entity: Coletividade Cultural e Recreativa de Santa Catarina ( Chapitô)
Impact area: Lisboa
Project: Idade XXL
Entity: CEDIARA - Centros de Dia para Idosos
Impact area: Albergaria a Velha - Ribeira de Fráguas
Project: Envelhecimento + Ativo
Entity: ENGENHO - Associação de Desenvolvimento Local do Vale do Este
Impact area: Vila Nova de Famalicão
Project: Gericuidar
Entity: Serviço Jesuíta aos Refugiados
Impact area: Lisboa
Project: As Maiatas
Entity: Santa Casa da Misericórdia da Maia
Impact area: Maia
Project: Ferreira Empreende
Entity: ESDIME e Câmara Municipal de Ferreira do Alentejo
Impact area: Ferreira do Alentejo