Project no. 166

Status In progress

Start Jul 2022

End Dec 2025

Related links

OPTIVEG - Sustainable optimisation of vegetation management operations

transForm Ageda

The transForm Agenda is a Portuguese national initiative created within the scope of Component 5 (C5) of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR). It aims to trigger the structural transformation of the Portuguese forestry sector by intervening in a coordinated manner throughout the value chain.

Led by Altri Florestal and under the technic and scientific coordination of CoLAB ForestWISE, transForm is part of a consortium of 56 partners in an unprecedented effort of sectoral cooperation. It materialises in 30 collaborative, mobilising and complementary projects, resulting in 11 new products, processes and services supported by digital technologies, featuring a high degree of innovation.

These initiatives will contribute to more sustainable forest management and improve the efficiency of companies, ensuring a stronger connection to markets and consumers.

The transForm Agenda is funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (02/C05-i01/2022), with support from the funds of the NextGenerationEU mechanism of the European Union.

The implementation of this Agenda will have a national scope, with a total estimated investment of around 130 million euros. These funds are allocated to productive investment, research, development and innovation, qualification and internationalisation, dissemination and human resources empowerment.

REN coordinates and participates in three projects included in the agenda, namely:

  • CENTRODEC: Decision Support Centre with Muti-Sensory Data for Forest Protection.
  • OPTIVEG: Sustainable optimisation of vegetation management operations.
  • Boosting electric motorisation in the forestry sector in Portugal.


Increase the level of support for vegetation management operations through optimization and monitoring of work.


Development of an innovative technological solution to support operational planning. aiming to increase productivity and sustainability in vegetation management operations.


  • Optimisation of operations and increased productivity.
  • Reduced risk of non-compliance with the management plan for REN’s corridors.
  • Increased profitability for service providers and consequent cost reduction.
  • Reduced environmental impact of operations.

Financing and partnerships
