11 April 2022

European Hydrogen Backbone estimates trans-European hydrogen network of 28,000 km in 2030

The European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) initiative estimates that the trans-European hydrogen (H2) network will have around 28,000 km in 2030, representing an increase of around 140% vis-à-vis the figure considered in this study's launch, in 2021. To that goal, Portugal integrates this European vision with the contribution of the current NGS (National Gas System) networks.
Along with 30 other European transmission system operators, REN is a member of the EHB, which promoted an assessment of the potential to advance, in the 2030 timeline, the development of transnational hydrogen corridors, based on the possibility of adapting some of the existing gas infrastructure and on the construction of a dedicated infrastructure. This assessment is part of the European strategy to reduce energy dependence and to increase the security of supply, embodied in EC REPower's recent statement.
The EHB estimates that, in 2040, the backbone will have a total of 53,000 km, made up of 40 to 60% coming from the conversion of natural gas pipelines and the rest stemming from new dedicated infrastructure. The interactive digital view maps will be published in the EHB's new website at the end of April.


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