28 March 2014

Gas Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of the South Region publish Gas Regional Investment Plan

Gas Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of the South Region publish the second edition of their Gas Regional Investment Plan

TSOs of the South Region released the second edition of their Gas Regional Investment Plan (GRIP South) in line with the biennial pace set in Art. 12(1) of the Regulation (EC) 715/2009.

GRIP South, together and in conjunction with Union-wide and national Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDPs), provides complementary analysis of the gas system with a focus on Transmission, Underground Gas Storage (UGS) and Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Terminals projects. In addition to ENTSOG TYNDP, this GRIP South includes, at regional level, updated forecasts on demand and projects, additional analysis of the gas system and of the infrastructures, and remedies to the various issues in the region.

This report includes the feedback received from stakeholders during the last consultation phase (between December 2013 and January 2014) and during working sessions which were organized via the ENTSOG and the South Gas Regional Initiative (SGRI) platforms.

Thierry Trouvé, ENTSOG Board Member and Coordinator of the GRIP South said: ‘’TSOs in the South Region have developed extensive experience of working together since 2006, achieving significant goals. This edition of the GRIP South envisions the positive economic impact resulting thanks to the cluster  “Bidirectional flows between Portugal, Spain, France and Germany”, in the interest of end consumers.” 

Transmission System Operators of the South Region are confident that the GRIP South will provide useful information to all stakeholders and will support fruitful discussions when assessing the ability of investment projects to answer the regional market needs. All stakeholders are invited to share their opinion on the GRIP South in order to help us improving it for next edition.

The GRIP South, including the consultation document, is available at ENTSOG’s website and on TSOs websites:

Notes for the editors:
The European South Region covers:
- 3 countries France, Portugal and Spain
-4 TSOs Enagas (ES), GRTgaz (FR), REN (PT) and TIGF (FR)

Support documents:
GRIP 2014 – main report;
Anexe A from GRIP 2014;
Anexe B from GRIP 2014;
Consult quizz of GRIP 2014;

(1)Projects having received a Project of Common Interest label as part of the NSI West gas Corridor during the first selection process (see Page 23 of the following document http://ec.europa.eu/energy/infrastructure/pci/doc/com_2013_0711_technical_en.pdf)



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