31 July 2017

TSOs of the South Region publish the third edition of their Gas Regional Investment Plan

Gas Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of the European South Region concluded the third edition of their Gas Regional Investment Plan (GRIP South).

The third edition of the GRIP South builds on the previous editions of the report, published in 2011 and 2014, and also complements the Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) 2017 published by ENTSOG. The GRIP South is the result of a close cooperation between the TSOs in the three countries of this European Region - GRTgaz and TIGF in France, Enagas and Reganosa in Spain and REN Gasodutos in Portugal.

The report describes the projects for developing, the interconnections between the different gas transmission systems and the robustness and flexibility of the existing infrastructures of the three countries' gas systems. This third edition of the GRIP South was coordinated by TIGF of France and is available on the websites of ENTSOG and the participating TSOs of the South Region.


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