Gas Transmission System Operators of the European South Region launch a Consultation as part of the editing process of the second edition of their Gas Regional Investment Plan
TSOs of the South Region are currently drafting the second edition of their Gas Regional Investment Plan (GRIP) in line with the biennial pace set in Art. 12(1) of the Regulation (EC) 715/2009.
The outline of this plan was presented during a public workshop on 26 November 2013 and it is now open for consultation until 5 January 2014. With the consultation responses as additional input, a final document will be drafted and published in January/February 2014.
To consult the Grip South document: GRIP South - proposed content - November 2013
To consult the Questionnaire: GRIP South Consultation Questionnaire
The GRIP South final document will then be opened for consultation.
The GRIP South will provide for the region:
• an analysis of the gas Demand & Supply
• an updated list of gas infrastructure projects
• an updated and extended assessment compared to TYNDP 2013-2022
• additional analysis/information on the gas system
• an identification of projects improving the current situation in particular in terms of market integration.
Notes for the editors
• The European South Region covers:
o 3 countries France, Portugal and Spain
o 4 TSOs Enagas (ES), GRTgaz (FR), REN (PT) and TIGF (FR)