02 November 2023

REN joins the pact for mental health in the workplace

REN – Redes Energéticas Nacionais has joined the Pact for Mental Health in the Workplace initiated by the Center for Responsible Business & Leadership at Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics. The company was also in attendance at the 2nd edition of the Mental Health in the Workplace Summit 2023, which took place on the 25 and 26 October in Lisbon. At this event, where topics related to mental health in organisations were discussed, there was also a sharing of projects and initiatives by the participating organisations in the Pact.

REN actively participated in Block 5 – Regular Measurement of the Impact of Mental Health Initiatives in Organisations. REN's adherence to the Pact for Mental Health in the Workplace, which has 26 member organisations, was carried out under the NÓS Programme (a cross-cutting programme of social and well-being measures at REN) and is part of REN's Health Policy.

This policy is based on an individualised and corporate, preventive approach, and is focused on promoting mental health literacy. Through its participation, the company aims to create support plans and promote a culture of openness around the topic of mental health, actively involving leadership to eliminate stigma. The initiative also aims to empower employees to support each other, as well as to manage and prioritise their own mental health.

The company is also committed to directing employees to mental health resources and the support they may require. The NÓS Programme, created by REN in 2014, is the main tool for providing an environment in which all employees can develop and maximise their personal and professional potential. This programme has three axes of action: Balance, Equality, and Inclusion.

Over the last three years, it’s had an impact over the quality of life, experience, and satisfaction of the company’s employees, serving as a valuable tool for emotional balance, and the reconciliation of personal, family, and professional well-being for employees and their families.

In 2021, REN also partnered with the Fundação José Neves and its commitment to promoting the well-being and mental health of the Portuguese population. The company introduced an app from the Swedish foundation 29k to their employees, offering personal development courses in video format, audio meditation, and exercises that have been scientifically validated.

REN has defined a strategy aligned with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals created by the United Nations in 2015, with Employee Satisfaction and Well-Being as one of the primary pillars.
