REN Gasodutos, SA, as the entity responsible for the preparation of the PDIRGN 2013 proposal, is hereby submitting the Environmental Report of the Strategic Environmental Assessment of said Plan to a public consultation process, according to sentences nº 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 of Article 7 of the Decree-law nº 232/2007, of the 15th of June, revised by the Decree-law nº 58/2011, of the 4th of May.
The public consultation process will be held for 30 working days until the 3rd of April 2014.
All comments and suggestions by interested parties must be sent to REN until the last day of the consultation period, using any of the following options:
• E-mail: e
• Adress:
REN Gasodutos
Estrada Nacional 116, Vila de Rei
2674-505 Bucelas
• Fax: 219 687 374
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