The Sines LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Terminal reached new all-time highs of activity during 2019. In terms of vessel reception operations, there was an increase of 49% over the previous maximum of 45 vessels in 2018. In 2019, 67 vessels were received, broken down into 65 unloading operations and 2 cooldowns.
A new maximum of regasified LNG was also obtained for the National Natural Gas Transport Network, which now amounts to 61.63 GWh, corresponding to 90.4% of the Natural Gas consumed in Portugal. This figure also represents an increase of 48% over the previous maximum of 41.51 GWh, obtained in 2018.
Regarding the number of tanker loads, the new maximum is now 6,621, of which almost three quarters are for Autonomous Units of Natural Gas of the mainland, and the rest for the island of Madeira. These numbers represent an increase of 9% over the previous maximum of 6,072 loads, obtained in 2018.
The current usage level of the Sines LNG Terminal reinforces its importance in the context of the National Natural Gas System and confirms the expansion strategy of REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais for this infrastructure over the last few years.