07 March 2022

AGIR Award honours the promotion of the environment and biodiversity and the fight against climate change

REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais has opened applications for the ninth edition of the AGIR Award, which this year is dedicated to the promotion of the environment, biodiversity, and the fight against climate change. Applications may be submitted from 1 March to 29 April.

The AGIR Award is part of REN's policy of engagement with the Community and Social Innovation, and seeks to support projects developed by associations, companies, and non-profit organisations. We are now increasingly witnessing extreme weather events, also caused by insufficient environmental protection, and it is urgent to find solutions to reverse the current state of the planet. This is why the AGIR Award will be devoted to this topic, which was chosen by REN's employees for the 2022 edition. 

In 2014, the first edition of this initiative had job creation as its topic. In the successive seven editions, the AGIR Award was dedicated, respectively, to active aging, to fighting poverty and social exclusion, to the labour inclusion of people with disabilities, to natural heritage preservation, to the promotion of academic success and combating early school leaving, to the promotion of employment for vulnerable people, and to Social Innovation in response to COVID.

Among the awarded associations are Agência de Desenvolvimento Gardunha 21, with project 'Gado Sapador', Associação Salvador, with project 'Eu - Consigo!', OIKOS - Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, with project 'Localizar-TE', Coletividade Cultural e Recreativa de Santa Catarina (Chapitô), with 'Trupe Sénior', Serviço Jesuíta aos Refugiados, with 'Gericuidar', CDI Portugal with 'Apps for Good', and Associação CRESCER, with project 'É um Restaurante'. In the last edition, Share Your World's 'SPEAK' social project was the winner.

Projects wishing to apply for this year's edition may submit their application at www.stone-soup.net from 1 March to 29 April. REN is responsible for the selection, in partnership with Stone Soup Consulting, which will track and monitor the use of the funds donated to each supported project, and will also assess the actual social impact of REN's assistance to each project.

About the Agir Prize:
The AGIR Prize is part of REN's policy of Community Involvement and Social Innovation. Every year, the AGIR Prize chooses an area of social intervention and awards three projects. The most recent editions were dedicated to the topics of 'Social innovation in the response to COVID-19' (2021); 'Employment promotion for vulnerable people' (2020); 'Combating school dropout and promoting school success' (2019); ‘Natural Heritage Preservation' (2018); ‘Labour Inclusion of People with Disabilities' (2017); ‘Fighting Poverty and Social Exclusion' (2016); ‘Active Aging' (2015) and ‘Job Creation' (2014). 
REN is responsible for the selection of the three best projects, in partnership with Stpone Soup Consulting, which accompanies and monitors the use of the funds donated to each supported project, while also assessing the actual social impact of REN's support to each project. The winner of the first prize receives a monetary sum of thirty thousand euros, the second receives fifteen thousand euros and the third receives five thousand euros. 

Additional information at: http://www.ren.pt/en-GB/sustentabilidade/premio_agir/


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