REN's General Shareholders Meeting (GM), held today in Sacavém, approved, with a considerable majority, all eight items being voted on.
With 65.4% of the represented equity, REN's shareholders thus approved the election of the governing bodies for the 2018-2020 period, now including two new members in the Board of Directors, Li Lequan, Senior Vice President of the State Grid International Development Corporation Limited and member of the Board of Directors of ElectraNet, and Manuela Veloso, Herbert A. Simon University Professor, at Carnegie Mellon University, as well as head of the Department of Machine Learning of the School of Computer Science.
The two new members of the Board of Directors join Rodrigo Costa, as Chairman of the Board of Directors, Guangchao Zhu, in his role as representative of State Grid International Development Limited, as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, João Faria Conceição, Gonçalo Morais Soares, Mengrong Cheng, Omar Al Wahaibi, Jorge Magalhães Correia, José Luis Arnaut, Manuel Sebastião, Gonçalo Gil Mata and Maria Estela Barbot.
The GM also approved the 2017 Integrated Annual Report, as well as the items regarding the proposal for profit appropriation, general evaluation, acquisition and sale of own bonds, statement of the Remuneration Committee concerning the remuneration policies for the members of the governing bodies and for the members of the Remuneration Committee.