18 June 2021

" Medalhas de Méricos Científico REN - Ciência LP": Applications Submission ongoing until july the 20th

The 'Medalhas de Mérito Científico REN - Ciência LP' applications submission deadline is ongoing until 20 july. This award results from a partnership between REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais, Centro Ciência LP and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and aims to recognize and value research work carried out by young people from Portuguese-speaking African countries, in the areas of energy and energy transition. 

The 'Medalhas de Mérito Científico REN - Ciência LP' can be attributed to two types of participants: 

1. Women up to 35 years old, from Portuguese-speaking African countries who have carried out research projects within the scope of their advanced training (master's or doctorate), in areas of energy transition; 

2. Students (M/F) coming from Portuguese-speaking African countries, who have carried out research projects within the scope of their advanced training (master's or doctorate), whose object of study is the energy transition in Africa.

The Evaluation Jury is selected by the Engineering Schools of the respective Consortium (CEE) and will be composed of a minimum of five Professors / Researchers from Organic Units where research is carried out in the area in which the Medals are awarded. The President of the Jury is appointed by the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, as Coordinator of the Consortium of Schools of Engineering. 

The Award has a monetary value and two prizes in both categories: 

• Women up to 35 years old 

1st Prize: 5,000 € (five thousand euros) 

2nd Prize: 2,500 € (two thousand and five hundred euros) 

• Students (M / F) 

1st Prize: 5,000 € (five thousand euros) 

2nd Prize: 2,500 € (two thousand and five hundred euros) 

See more information at www.ren.pt and the regulation here


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