29 October 2023

Portugal has been using green electricity for over 24 hours

Taking advantage of favorable wind and rain conditions, electricity consumption in Portugal has been entirely provided by renewable sources, primarily wind and hydroelectric power, since 10:30 PM on Friday.

Between 10:30 PM on Friday and midnight on Saturday (25.5 hours), 97.6 GWh of wind energy, 6.6 GWh of solar energy, and 68.3 GWh of hydroelectric energy were generated, ensuring a consumption of 137.1 GWh. Surplus production has been exported through the connection with Spain.

If today's weather forecast is confirmed, it seems that the situation will continue, with the entire weekend registering 100% production from renewable sources and exporting energy to Spain.

Natural gas provides supply security

Since 9 o'clock on Tuesday, September 24th, electricity consumption in Portugal has been ensured by renewable energies, although there has been occasional import of electricity from Spain during certain time periods due to market opportunities, ensuring that national consumers have access to the cheapest energy in the Iberian electricity market at all times of the day.

The transition to full-scale export occurred on Friday, October 27th, at 5:00 PM when Portugal began exporting electricity 100% of the time. However, for reserve and balance between generation and consumption reasons, two groups in two combined-cycle natural gas power plants came into operation on October 27th, from approximately 4:00 PM to 10:30 PM. After this period, electricity consumption in Portugal was supplied by 100% renewable production, with an export surplus to Spain. The availability of natural gas power plants has contributed to this achievement.

The availability of natural gas power plants ensures the National Electrical System's necessary service continuity whenever required, whether for market balance, supply security, or occasionally providing a cost-effective production solution, facilitating a safe and sustainable transition to an electrical system increasingly based on renewable production sources.

REN plays a central role in the energy transition

REN has been at the forefront of the changes that have placed Portugal at the forefront of decarbonizing the economy for several years. REN's active participation has contributed to ensuring the safe early decision to shut down coal-fired power plants in 2021, and ongoing investments in infrastructure enable the current sustainable levels of renewable energy integration in the electricity sector, around 60%. REN continues to work towards increasing this level of integration in line with the goals established in the National Energy Policy.

Over the years, Portugal has made significant progress toward carbon neutrality. REN takes pride in its central role in this national effort to protect the planet, all while never losing sight of its primary obligation: ensuring the security of supply, which guarantees the normal functioning of our country.
