For the third year in a row, REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais was included in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI). Comprising 484 companies from 45 different countries and regions, the GEI's 2023 edition evaluated the companies' performance regarding gender policies and how that information was provided to the market and to the companies' stakeholders.
In 2014, REN publicly assumed its commitment to the issue of gender equality by joining the Forum Organisations for Equality (iGen). Since then, it has been associated with many initiatives and projects, such as its participation in the Target Gender Equality Programme (United Nations Global Compact) and its joining of WEPs (Women's Empowerment Principles).
In 2018, REN felt it would be important to progress to a model that adopted a transformational perspective focusing on changing behaviours and attitudes internally. In this regard, it created the Gender Equality Statute in April 2018, which was the catalyst for the Annual Plans for Gender Equality. These contain measures that must be implemented in the year in question and that are aligned with the company's strategic goals.
Through the disclosure of gender-related metrics using the GEI framework, companies included in GEI 2023 commit to disclosing their investment in gender equality, both in the workplace and in the communities in which they operate. The GEI evaluates companies' behaviour across five pillars: leadership and talent pipeline, gender pay equality and parity, inclusive culture, policies against sexual harassment, and brand image.