03 March 2014

REN receives regional workshop ENTSO-E on european networks

REN receives on the 25th March in the company auditorium in Sacavém , a regional workshop organized by ENTSO- E on the theme : ' European Ten Year Network Development Plan and Regional Investment Plans in 2014 ' .

ENTSO -E is a Brussels non-profit-making association which gathers the European electricity Transmission System Operators. ENTSO-E objectives, in compliance with EU legislation, are to strengthen TSOs cooperation in areas such as the development of European Network Codes, coordinated system operation and network development. This cooperation should help to improve the effective integration of the European electricity market, as well as to create an environment for sustainable energy whilst maintaining security of supply.

The objective of this Workshop is to introduce and discuss with the participants the TYNDP process,  in particular the 2014 TYNDP and Regional Investment Plans currently under preparation, namely in what concerns the development and assessment of the regional projects of pan-European relevance.
The event will have a main focus on the scenarios for 2030 for the 'slow progress' and 'green revolution' Visions, with the outcomes of the market & network studies and the TYNDP 2014 projects assessment based on the ENTSO-E Cost Benefit Analysis Methodology.
All Stakeholders are kindly invited to register for the workshop via email, by indicating their full names, contact details and organization to Mrs. Thanh-Thanh Le Thi (thanh-thanh.lethi@entsoe.eu) and Mrs. Alexandra Castelo-Branco (comunicacao@ren.pt), before 15th March 2014.

Press Release here: CSW Inivtation RGs Workshops March.pdf


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