03 November 2021

REN’s Head of Electricity System Management elected Coordinator for Continental Europe of the ENTSO-E

Albino Marques, Head of the Electricity System of REN, Redes Energéticas Nacionais, was unanimously elected as the new Coordinator for the Continental Europe Region of ENTSO-E's Operation Committee. 

Albino Marques, who was already deputy coordinator for this region, as well as coordinator of the TSO KOSTT (Kosovo's TSO) project, took up his new post on 28 September for a two-year term.

The regional group of Continental European TSOs is responsible for ensuring the safe and balanced operation of the electricity system through the detailed definition of common operating rules, in line with the European codes of electricity system operation and emergency and recovery in case of an incident. It is also responsible for deciding on expansions of the continental European power grid to neighbouring countries that wish to interconnect with it.

For Albino Marques, this election 'is an extremely interesting technical and management challenge, and it represents without a doubt a recognition of the prestige that REN has among the European TSOs.'

Based in Brussels, ENTSO-E is a non-profit association that brings together 42 electricity transmission operators from 35 European countries. According to EU legislation, ENTSO-E's goals are to strengthen the cooperation of transmission operators in areas such as the development of the European Network Codes, the coordination of the system's operation, and the development of the networks. This cooperation is expected to contribute to a true integration of the European electricity market, to enhance an environment of sustainable energy, and to ensure a secure transmission network system.


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