11 April 2022

SWE IDCC first run Go live

The Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of the South West Europe (SWE) Capacity Calculation Region (CCR), together with Coreso, are developing and implementing market integration solutions defined in European legislations. Integration of the electricity market is one of the cornerstones of the energy transition towards a carbon free energy system. It helps in heading to more efficient use of the supply sources and infrastructure and enhances security of supply. 
In this context, SWE TSOs with the support of Coreso, started with the implementation of a Day-ahead Coordinated Capacity calculation (DA CCC) process that went live in January 2020. This process is the first one that uses the CGMES format and considers angle and voltage constraints during the calculation. 
More recently, and after the entry into force of the Clean Energy Package regulation, a new version of this DA CCC process that fulfils the 'minimum 70% target' requirement was deployed in February 2022. 
After a 6-month stabilisation phase for the DA CCC process, and in parallel of the implementation of the 'minimum 70% target' in Day-Ahead, SWE stakeholders also started the development of the CCC process for the intraday market. This development is split in two parts that will be implemented sequentially: 

  • A first run that is based on Day-ahead Congestion Forecast (DACF) and covers a full business date. 
  • A second run that uses IntraDay Congestion Forecast (IDCF) and covers the second half of the same business date. 

The first intraday run went live on the 15th of March 2022. 
The CCC process for the intraday market is one of the last milestones for the SWE TSOs and Coreso to fully comply with the CACM regulation. 
About the SWE CCR
The SWE CCR consists of the bidding zone borders between the following EU Member States' bidding zones: Spain, Portugal and France. Coreso, as Regional Security Coordination (RSC) centre, ensures the good cooperation of the involved TSOs and play an important role in all the coordinated processes in SWE. More information on SWE can be found on https://www.entsoe.eu/network_codes/ccr-regions/. You can also learn more about our RSC and future RCC services following this link.


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