With the topic 'Connecting the Dots', the Annual Conference of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) will take place in Brussels, on 5 and 6 December. The goal of this conference is analysing the impact caused by going digital, by the consumers and by the market on the electrical networks and on the integration of renewables at the local, domestic and European levels.
In addition to addressing these transformations, the Annual Conference of the ENTSO-E will enable the organisation to explain its strategic vision and to have prestigious speakers from the different involved parties challenge and convey their own views through a series of interviews and discussions.
Among other figures connected to the sector, this conference will be attended by Miguel Arias Cañete, European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, and have the following discussion panels: 'What the future holds: Climate, Power Networks, Energy Union', 'Grids and market for the energy union', 'Power regions: regional between national and European' and 'The Energy Union and the Climate Agenda: Challenges and Solutions', among others.
Find out more here.