13 July 2018

ENTSOG publishes main terms and conditions for bundled capacity contracts

(Brussels, 10 July, PR0164-18) On 6 July, ENTSOG published the Template of main terms and conditions of transport contracts of TSOs for the offer of bundled capacity, as required by Article 20 of the Capacity Allocation Mechanisms Network Code (CAM NC). This Template was also provided to ACER for its Opinion on 6 July.

Article 20 of the CAM NC requires ENTSOG to draft and publish a template of the 'main' terms and conditions of transport contracts, 'which are not affected by fundamental differences in principles of national law or jurisprudence', for bundled capacity products.

As a first step, a catalogue of the terms and conditions which qualified as 'main' was created and published for public consultation in March 2017. Subsequently, a report identifying and categorising similarities and differences in relation to these main terms and conditions and the reasons for such differences was published by ENTSOG on 5 January 2018. Based on feedback on the report, ENTSOG developed a draft template of main terms and conditions, on which stakeholders again provided their views until end of April 2018. Having considered the outcome of public consultation, the Template has been updated and has now been submitted to ACER for its Opinion.

Upcoming steps:

• ENTSOG, taking due consideration of ACER's Opinion, will publish the final Template for the main terms and conditions no later than three months from the receipt of ACER's Opinion;

• Each TSO will then have the possibility to apply ENTSOG's Template for offering bundled capacity products, subject to the approval of the concerned NRA.

The Template is available on the ENTSOG website, here. Should you require any further information please contact Carmel Carey (+32 2 894 5136, ENTSOG.Communications@entsog.eu).

Editorial notes

•ENTSOG was founded on 1 December 2009 in line with Regulation (EC) 715/2009. The current number of Members, Associated Partners and Observers can be found at this link.

•In line with Articles 6, 7 and 8 of the Regulation (EC) 715/2009, ENTSOG has the task of formulating network codes in a number of areas and of adopting various communications: a non-binding community-wide Ten-Year Network Development Plan on biennial basis; Winter and Summer Supply Outlooks; common network operation tools; recommendations relating to the coordination of technical cooperation between community and third-country-TSOs; annual work programmes and annual reports.


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