25 March 2015

Gestaotrasnparente.org wins international recognition

The gestaotransparente.org project, which REN is a founding member, can from now on be consulted from the H20 Collective Action Hub site.

The integration of this project in this international platform is the external recognition of REN's effort and other partners to promote good business practices and fight the scourge of corruption.

The B20 Collective Action Hub is a platform developed in 2003 by ICCA (International Centre for Collective Action), in partnership with the UN Global Compact and the institutional partners of the Center, and aims to unite international efforts to combat corruption through the development collective action initiatives and political dialogue, as well as to promote knowledge and information, in order to reinforce good business practices.

The integration of gestaotransparente.org in this platform is to Gil Vicente Marcelino, Director of Internal Audit of REN, 'the recognition of the value of a project designed and carried out in Portugal and Portuguese.'

'For REN, brings added value to present the company as partner in the project Transparent Management.org ' he adds. Corruption, still says Gil Vicente Marcelino 'is an evil with enormous social costs and a major obstacle to the development of countries.' In his view, 'the business activity is not sustainable without an ethical basis and it is known that a transparent market is inducer of sustainable development'.

The project gestaotransparente.org – a practical guide to risk management of corruption in organizations' is dated from 2012 and aims to provide a free online simulator that allows various entities assess, at all times - for example, in achieving a particular business in a given country - the levels of risk of exposure to corruption, also providing legislation, measures and instruments to reduce exposure of companies to the risks of corruption.

The Guide identifies and also features the main organizational tools for prevention of corruption risks and is a practical management tool to support organizations to define and implement measures to prevent corruption and promoting transparency.


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