23 November 2022

Municipality of Póvoa de Lanhoso receives a vehicle donated by REN

REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais delivered a vehicle to the Municipal Council of Póvoa de Lanhoso, as part of its policy of supporting local communities. The donation of this vehicle reinforces the company's commitment to preventing and fighting wildfires, strengthening Póvoa de Lanhoso's Municipal Civil Protection Services.
The key handover took place this morning, at the Council Chambers, in the presence of REN's officer, João Gaspar, and of the Mayor, Frederico Castro. At the event, Frederico Castro thanked REN for this donation, 'which results from an agreement between the Municipal Council and REN to give us a vehicle, which, as soon as the formalities are completed, will be used daily, to aid in Civil Protection. We know that, every year, REN allocates a few vehicles to municipalities and institutions and, this year, we were one of the two municipalities in the country to be awarded with a vehicle, attesting REN's exceptional treatment of Póvoa de Lanhoso'.
The mayor also adds that 'This is undoubtedly a positive reference that shows that the Municipal Council is on a path of good relations with institutions. If this were not the case, REN would certainly have other municipalities with similar needs to attend to. We intend to maintain, on a day-to-day basis, our good institutional relationships, which constitute a dynamic and constant work that is never finished.'
João Gaspar, head for Sustainable Networks and Easements, said that 'the donation of this vehicle symbolises the importance of working closely with the municipality's civil protection teams, in a region where there are REN infrastructures. The work carried out within this partnership in the defence of forests against wildfires is not done solely during the critical season, as REN has a structured prevention plan in coordination with the competent authorities throughout the year, which includes, among others, the management of vegetation in the energy transmission corridors, increasing the resilience of our infrastructures and of the lands where they are located, creating opportunities for firefighters and civil protection teams to fight wildfires'.
In the last five years, in the municipality of Póvoa de Lanhoso, REN has cleared vegetation on around 385 hectares in the energy transmission corridors, 66 of which in 2022. In these areas, the company has planted native species, thus increasing the resilience of the surrounding territory to wildfires and promoting local biodiversity.


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