REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais will join the Giving Tuesday(GT) initiative, a worldwide solidarity movement in which the whole world comes together to perform an act of generosity or simply volunteer an hour of their time for a good cause on 3 December.
On this day, when the whole world joins forces to donate instead of spend, REN employees, under its Corporate Volunteer Programme, will take part in voluntary actions, prepared in partnership with the social solidarity institutions with which it collaborates regularly and which operate near its main facilities.
In Lisbon, with the Food Bank against Hunger, Life and Peace Community (CVP) and RE-food Alvalade; in Sacavém, with the Social Centre of Sacavém; in Bucelas, with the Social Support Institution of the Parish of Bucelas; in Sines, with Cersiago, and in the north, with Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Vera Cruz de Gondomar.
And because 3 December is a day to donate, REN will also promote a campaign for the collection of toys/children's clothing in favour of the Vida Norte Association in all its facilities.
GT is a worldwide solidarity movement that originated in the United States and that is based on a simple idea: a day when the whole world comes together to donate (in goods or money), to perform an act of generosity or to simply volunteer an hour of their time in favour of a good cause.