'Ligações fortes' is the name of the conference that joins today in the Sana Hotel in Lisbon diverse personalities of Portugal and Mozambique to discuss the future and the opportunities in the two countries.
In what is his first official visit to Portugal, President of the Republic of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, is the highlight of the conference 'Ligações fortes' that promotes links between the two states.
Organized by Expresso and SIC Notícias, wityh the partnership of REN, the third edition of this project is today, July 17, its high time to organize a conference at the hotel Epic Sana in Lisbon which brings together prominent figures from both nations to discuss bilateral relations.
Filipe Nyusi will be the prime guest of a special 'Sociedade das Nações' (SIC News Program) to be recorded at the beginning of the event. Followed by a lunch, which features welcome speeches by the Chairman of the Impresa Group, Francisco Pinto Balsemão, the deputy prime minister, Paulo Portas, and also the Head of State of Mozambique.
During the afternoon there will be a special SIC Notícias program dedicated to the theme 'Ligações fortes' which will be invited the minister of Economy of Portugal, António Pires de Lima and the Minister of Industry and Trade of Mozambique, Ernesto Tonela. This program will also have interventions Rodrigo Costa, CEO of REN, Miguel Maya, BCP vice president, Gonçalo Moura Martins, CEO of Mota-Engil, Rogério Manuel, President of the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique and Julião Pondeca, of Reditus Mozambique.
It will be held later one Business Roundtable dedicated to companies and moderated by Nicolau Santos, deputy director of Expresso and Joaquim Daí, president of the Mozambican Association of Economists. In the section devoted to 'Infrastructure and Energy', João Faria Conceição, REN's Executive Director will discuss the issue with Ernesto Tondela, Minister of Industry and Trade of Mozambique and Apolinário Panguene, PCA IGEPE. In the panel dedicated to 'New Investments & financing', will debate Diogo da Silveira, Portucel, Prakash Ratilal of Moza Banco and José Reino da Costa, of the Millenium BIM.