REN – Redes Energéticas Nacionais was awarded Gold for its 2022 Integrated Report in the 19th annual Davey Awards, in the Design & Print category. This year’s contest received over two thousand entries from companies worldwide.
REN's Integrated Report presents the most relevant economic, social, environmental, and governance information for the company and its stakeholders. It follows the company’s principles of transparency while ensuring compliance with current legal standards and international guidelines for non-financial information reporting.
The Davey Awards jury is comprised of members from the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA), an organisation that gathers renowned professionals from the fields of communication, advertising, and marketing. In the Davey Awards, a category can have multiple gold and silver winners, as entries are evaluated based on the excellence standards set by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts.
REN's integrated report had the graphic concept and respective development carried out by White.