REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais ended 2022 with an improvement in all the main sustainability indicators awarded by external entities. Ratings from S&P, Morgan Stanley, Carbon Disclosure Project, ISS, and Sustainalytics were all revised upwards, reflecting the company's continued development in the Sustainability and ESG (environmental, social, and governance) areas.
In one of the most respected sustainability indices worldwide, the S&P Global CSA (Corporate Sustainability Assessment), REN grew by 19 points, when compared to 2021, standing out in the areas of innovation, environmental reporting, and social reporting. In Morgan Stanley Capital International, REN has achieved a rating of A in 2022, over BBB.
Another highly reputed ranking is that of the Carbon Disclosure Project Climate Change, in which REN obtained a B rating, an improvement on the C of 2021. In this index, REN obtained the maximum score of A as regards governance, business strategy, financial planning, and scenario analysis, as well as scope 1 and 2 emissions. For Institutional Shareholder Services ESG, REN obtained the 'Prime' status with a B rating, while in Sustainalytics it was classified as 'Low Risk'.
REN has been strengthening its commitment to sustainability, having taken on the goal of a 50% reduction in its emissions by 2030 (compared to 2019), achieving carbon neutrality in 2040, ten years earlier than defined by the European Union. The company will continue to promote, support, and develop actions and projects to meet the goals that, among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, have been identified as priorities and in line with REN's sustainability strategy. The company also seeks to have one third of its senior management positions occupied by women no later than 2030, promote diversity, and ensure that the company's funding comes entirely from green issues.