17 November 2014

Strategic Environmental Assessment of the proposal for the PDIRGN 2013

REN Gasodutos, SA, as the entity responsible for the preparation of the PDIRGN 2013 proposal, hereby publishes the Environmental Report (ER) and the Non-Technical Summary (NTS) of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of said Plan, according to nº 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 of Article 7 of the Decree-law nº 232/2007, of 15th of June, revised by the Decree-law nº 58/2011, of 4th of May.

The Environmental Report fulfils the requirements of nº 1 of article 6 of Decree-Law 232/2007, of June 15, amended by Decree-Law 58/2011 of May 4, regarding the preparation of an Environmental Report and, in its original version of February 2014, it was aimed to be submitted to the public authorities with specific environmental responsibilities (ASER), in accordance with nº 3 of article 3 of Decree-Law 232/2007 of June 15 and amended by Decree-Law 58/2011 of May 4, and to the authorities of Spain, under Article 8 of the same Decree-Law, as well as for purposes of public consultation, in accordance with Article 6 of the same Decree-Law. The current published version of the ER, dated of October 2014, was revised to incorporate the suggestions of the Spanish authorities that were consulted.

The Non-Technical Summary is a document that integrates the Environmental Report and intends to adequately inform all those who are entitled and want to participate in the process. The NTS summarizes the main information contained in the ER. Those wishing to deepen some aspects related to the integration and evaluation of the environmental and sustainability issues of PDIRGN 2013 should consult the ER.


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