João Pedro Vasques Vieira da Silva has won this year’s REN Award, with his thesis “Definition of Maintenance Polícies in Power Systems”. Rodrigo Costa, CEO of REN, has granted the Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) student his prize, amounting to 12.500€, in a ceremony that took place at REN’s Auditorium, in Sacavém.
Rui Carneiro Barbosa Pinto, also a student of FEUP, won the second place with his “Wind Power Forecasting Uncertainty and Unit Commitment” work. The third place was attributed to Sérgio Fonseca Santos, of Universidade da Beira Anterior, who entered the competition with the theme “Nova Metodologia Multiobjectivo de Apoio à Decisão para Problemas de Reconfiguração de Sistemas de Distribuição de Energia Eléctrica”.
The jury, presided by João Peças Lopes, professor at FEUP, also attributed honorable mentions to Hugo Alexandre Fernandes dos Santos e Silva, of ISEL, and Elisabete Faria Almeida, of FEUP.
Created in 1995, REN Award recognizes the best master’s thesis within the theme of energy systems, produced in Portuguese universities in the several branches of Engineering and also comprehending the fields of Economics, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Information Systems and Computing.