20 March 2017

Med-TSO hosts Workshop A Common Target Regulatory Framework for the Mediterranean TSOs”

Med-TSO - Association of the Transmission System Operators of the Mediterranean which REN is a member of, promoted a Workshop entitled 'A Common Target Regulatory Framework for the Mediterranean TSOs - Harmonization of Technical Rules', in Madrid on 15 March, in the framework of the Mediterranean Project.

Around 60 people from 13 countries participated in the event promoted by the technical committee TC2 - Regulation and Institutions, seeking to share perspectives on the 'Common Target Regulatory Framework and the Tentative Road Map'. The event also aimed to foster the sharing of experiences and challenges in the different fields of practical implementation, at the national and multinational levels, of the harmonization of rules concerning the roles of the Transmission System Operators (TSOs).

The definition of a 'Common Target Regulatory Framework for the Mediterranean Region' and of a 'Common Tentative Road Map' are results from the activities developed by TC2 under the Mediterranean Project.

It should be noted that Med-TSO is based on multilateral cooperation and seeks to promote the integration of Electrical Systems in the Mediterranean, with benefits that stem from sharing resources, costs and infrastructure investment risks. In this context, a contract was established between Med-TSO and the European Commission that provides for the development of the Mediterranean Project, a three-year project co-financed by the EC. It was precisely under this project that this workshop took place.

Victor Baptista, Director of Institutional Relations, who is the ad interim President of the Executive Board of Med-TSO, was present in the workshop's opening panel.

Bruno Nunes, from Network Planning, and who is a member of the technical committee TC2, was a speaker in Panel I, namely in the topics 'Proposal of Common Target Regulatory' and 'Proposal of Common Tentative Road Map'.

Maria José Clara, Director of Institutional Relations, was a guest speaker in Panel II, on the topic 'MIBEL - The Iberian Experience' and in the workshop's last panel, the Discussion Panel.

This workshop was preceded by a meeting of the technical committee TC2 - Regulation and Institutions, held on 14 March, in which REN was also represented by Bruno Nunes.


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