What are electromagnetic fields? Can we live with them? How do we measure them? Do you know that electromagnetic fields from a very high voltage power line create the electromagnetic fields of the same order of those of a TV plug close to us? These and other questions are the theme of a series of videos created by REN in a partnership with the Portuguese Physics Society (SPF) in the framework of the MEDEA project. In this project, students throughout the country are invited to measure electric and magnetic fields at schools, home and nearby electric power lines.
MEDEA is an initiative of the Portuguese Physics Society (SPF) and REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais, which promotes an understanding of physics among Portuguese youth and Society in general. MEDEA is targeted to highschools and universities students. It enables the enforcement of the student courses students, by combining scientific knowledge with their everyday life making use of demonstrations and experiments inside and outside the classroom.
Participating schools receive an electric and magnetic field analyser for very low frequencies to be used while carrying out during the project execution. Each team then creates a web page dedicated exclusively to the MEDEA project, in which they is presented the results obtained, the research carried out and other relevant information a final report. The best team works are rewarded by an annual prize.
Watch the following videos to find out more about electromagnetic fields and MEDEA.