04 November 2013

REN continues with roadshows to present the RENPrize

In November, presentation sessions of the REN Prize will continue in Portuguese universities. The next stops are the ISEL and the IST, on the 13th.

Wednesday, 13 November at 11:00
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)

Presence of Prof. Paulo Ferrão (Department of mechanical engineering), Prof. Luis Marcelino Ferreira (Department of Electrical Engineering) and Dr. Miguel Moreira da Silva (member of the jury of the REN Prize and Corporate innovation project manager at REN).

Wednesday, 13 November at 04:00 pm
Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL)
Presence of Prof. Jorge Sousa (ISEL) and Dr. Miguel Moreira da Silva (member of the jury of the Prize REN and Corporate innovation project manager at REN).

Find out more information about the REN Prize at aqui


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