17 December 2014

REN reaches agreement on new collective labour agreement

REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais has signed a new Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) that covers nine 100% owned companies.  

The new CLA will establish a system of collective labour relations covering all workers in the group’s companies, increasing internal equity and providing more efficient resources management. The new document will also foster adjustments to current practices within the group on such matters as the organisation of work, remuneration, social benefits and health and safety at work. It will also ensure compliance with the new legal framework on labour matters.

The proposed new CLA was presented to the trade unions representing staff in December 2012, the year the Portuguese state ceased being the majority owner of REN, after the power network management company had given notice of termination of the agreement that had been in force since 2000.

The process that has now been completed represents, according to Emílio Rui Vilar, a very important step, particularly in terms of unity, given that our company is the product of a diverse series of business areas.” The new CLA “will be a platform for the future development of a single global policy in which all employees will be covered by the same labour framework”, the REN President noted.

The agreement was signed by 14 representative trade unions: National Union for Industry and Energy (Sindel – Sindicato Nacional da Industria e da Energia), the Federation of Industry and Service Unions (FETESE – Federação dos Sindicatos da Indústria e Serviços) (on its own behalf and on behalf of: Union of Service Workers and Technicians [SITESE – Sindicato dos Trabalhadores e Técnicos de Serviços], Democratic Union of Communications and Media Workers [SINDETELCO – Sindicato Democrático dos Trabalhadores das Comunicações e dos Média], Commerce, Office and Services Union [SINDCES/UGT – Sindicato do Comércio, Escritório e Serviços] and Construction, Public Works and Services Union [SETACCOP - Sindicato da Construção, Obras Pública e Serviços]). The Engineers’ Federation (FE – Federação dos Engenheiros) also signed the agreement (on its own behalf and on behalf of: The National Union of Engineers, Technical Engineers and Architects [SNEET – Sindicato Nacional dos Engenheiros, Engenheiros Técnicos e Arquitetos], the Engineers’ Union [SERS – Sindicato dos Engenheiros], and the Merchant Marine Engineers’ Union [SEMM - Sindicato dos Engenheiros da Marinha Mercante]), the Energy and Telecommunications Sector Trade Union Association (ASOSI – Associação Sindical dos Trabalhadores do Sector Energético e Telecomunicações), Merchant Marine Officers and Machinists Union (SOEMMM - Sindicato dos Oficiais e Engenheiros Maquinistas da Marinha Mercante) and Portuguese Union of European Union Qualified Engineers (SPEUE – Sindicato Português dos Engenheiros Graduados na União Europeia).



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